Word Well

Content Marketing: Getting Past the Myths

Content Marketing is Easy, Right?? Everybody seems to be talking about content marketing these days as one of the hottest ways to attract and retain customers. Search for "content marketing" on the web and you'll find any number of breezily written blog posts and online articles...

When Email or Texting Goes Awry

Communication Problems With an Associate? How frequently do you exchange emails with your clients and co-workers? When is the last time you actually spoke rather than emailed each other? E-mail and texting have quickly become our "go-to" channel for communicating these days. But is it possible that...

The Font You Choose Can Help or Hurt Your Message

Choose the Right Font to Create the Persona You Want Before the days of desktop publishing, most of us didn't really think about which font to use when we were creating a document or presentation. That was an area best left to the graphic designers trained...

ancient language translation

Computer Software to Translate Ancient Languages

Computer Software: The New Rosetta Stone to Translate Ancient Languages The fact that there is now computer software available to translate ancient languages is sort of a bittersweet milestone in my book. Ancient languages have always held a fascination for me, especially when we learned about...

LinkedIn business networking

Does LinkedIn Help Build Business?

LinkedIn, so far, has proven to be the best social media tool to build my content writing business. I admit it. I was a social media Luddite until one day, I decided it was time to stop thinking about all the reasons I didn't want to use LinkedIn and...